Saturday, January 25, 2020

Objective Purpose Of Industrial Training Education Essay

Objective Purpose Of Industrial Training Education Essay Practical Training is compulsory for all students in Pasig Catholic College which is a part of academic credit hour to have a diploma. As an Accounting Student, they must undergone practical training for 5 months with 400 hours as per requirement of Pasig Catholic College before they were qualified to receive a diploma in Accountancy. With the combination of knowledge working experience during three months training, students are required to produce a written report. Chapter II Background of the study Pasig Catholic College offers Bachelor of Science in Accountancy. This is a five year course to finish, and students are required to attend OJT with four hundred hours or five months. They are required to attend this training before they receive a diploma. On the other hand they would not be able to receive a diploma unless they finished the training. This study wants to find out the impact of Industrial training if it is useful, or needed to become a competent student. This study want to find out the importance of this training, the advantages and disadvantages, the good and bad training, and the benefits of this training to the students of Accountancy Department. To make this research possible, there should be the target respondents and these are BSA graduating students who are the major respondents and also the information from College OSA and College Guidance Office. Statement of the problem The primary objective of this research is to explore approaches to the effectiveness of industrial training conducted by institutions of Accountancy Department in Pasig Catholic College. This research is also prompted by the concern that the increase in the number of students annually seeking industrial training may burden organizations hosting them and may undermine the quality of training. Objective/ Purpose of Industrial Training The main objective of Industrial Training is to expose the students to actual working environment and enhance their knowledge and skill from what they have learned in the college. Another purpose of this program is to instill the good qualities of integrity, responsibility and self confidence. All ethical values and good working practices must be followed by student. It is also to help the students about the safety practices and regulations inside the industry and to instill the spirit of teamwork and good relationship between students and employees. Employers are increasingly looking beyond a graduates academic knowledge and whether they have what is commonly known as employability skills. According to a survey of skills needed by SME employers (Beta Technology, 1994), 58 percent of respondents viewed qualifications and experience as equally important when recruiting, with further 39 percent commenting that experience only was more important. As such a UK government has established a National Committee for Work Experience (NCWE) whose propose is to engage business and in a national effort to promote student work experience, build on current and past work and encourage the spread of good practice (Blunkett, D., 1999). The value of developing stronger links with industry in the current economic climate is being realized more and more by higher education institutions. Increase input by employers in course development, students placement and the offering of sandwich option in many degrees stem from increasing awareness that it must be mutually beneficial to bring academic and industry closing together. Industry can influence the learning of undergraduates to produce a potential workforce with the academic knowledge and flexibility they will require; students can learn first hand the type of demands which will be made on them when they enter the world of work and are hence batter prepared; academics and industrialists can work together on projects of mutual interest an can pool their expertise and experience to achieve the best results (Kemp and Foster, 1995). In United Kingdom (UK), the prepared report in 1997, endorsed the value of employer based student training by recommending that the Government, with immediate effect, work with the representative of employer and professional organizations to encourage employers to offer more work experience opportunities for students (Huntington, 1999). The University of Ulster has produced its Policy for good practice for all courses incorporating an element of work experience document (Neill Mulholand, 2003). The document defines the main objectives of industrial training being to: Enhance students familiarity with the world of work and enable them to reflect constructively in issues related to work Assist students to evaluate and understand how to work experience relates their personal or career and future professional development Develop employability skills, intellectual skilss, core of key skills, personal attributes and knowledge about how organizations work Consolidate, complement and extend the academic programme and enable the essential integration of professional practice Maintain and develop links between the university, the placement provider and the community and Develop professional skills and strengthen the application of theory to practice. Definition of terms Industrial training is viewed as important strategies expose students to real work life and to equip them with necessary skills so that they would be job ready when they graduate. Institutions tend to introduce this component irrespective of the discipline of studies with the intention of ensuring their students competency and fully prepared for job. Industrial training comes from the word industry. You have heard many times that the United States is a great industrial nation. This is true; USA does owe high standard of living and its position in the world, at least in part to its ability to mass- produce high quality products (Linbeck Lathro, 1974). Industrial training is a form of contested learning. Contested learning means ambiguity and conflict between what is espoused and what is practice in the workplace and/or the university or college classroom. Contested learning in industrial training reflects competing interest (economic,educational or personal) that are found in the actions and values of students, teaching staff or workplace supervisor. In the context of national reviews of vocational education and training, industrial also need to be re-examined in terms of policy, administration, work place and learning outcomes (Hank,1996). Industrial Training or Classroom Training? The question arises as to where training should take place. Should a course be organized and a number of employees trained in a classroom, or should employees be trained individually on the job by the supervisor? These are sometimes difficult questions to answer, but there are some guidelines that will help us. There is some misconception that must be cleared before we can go into a comparison of the two methods. We must understand that there is no perfect way to train in any specific case where training is required. No one way is without its drawbacks. There are many considerations that present themselves. There are questions of money, time, effectiveness, energy required, instructors, and so forth. One method maybe much more effective, but the cost may be prohibitive. Another may be cheap and effective but require more people or more time is practicable. So it isnt just a matter of looking at classroom versus on the on-the-job training and saying that one is obviously better than the other. Both have their good points and both have their drawbacks (Broadwell, 1986) Similarities between Industrial Training and Classroom Training We should see the similarities as well as the differences between the two methods in order to decide which should be best for a particular training program. For example good communication is essential of all learning, no matter whether an employee is learning how polish widgets, a childhood are learning fractions or a preschooler is learning how to set the table. Someone who is good communicating must show them how to do the job, or little learning will take place. Another similarity classroom training and industrial training, at least in a company program, is that the instructor is very likely to be the employees regular day-day supervisor as well. This double relationship can pose special problems on its own, and we should understand how to handle them before going on to decide where the training should take place. There are, of course, differences as well as semilarities between Industrial training and classroom training. No matter what kind of training is done, one basic requirement is good communication. Whether there is a group of students in a classroom or one supervisor with one employee, the whole point of the relationship is for the teacher or supervisor to communicate information in certain skills. Even if the employee has only the textbook and no instructor at all, there still must be good communication. The book must be written so that the employee can easily grasp what is said, and it must present the information is such a way that the employee will not only be able to absorb the material, but motivated to absorb it (Broadwell, 1986). Good communication is not an accidental thing. There are things that stand in the way of passing information to others, and there are aid the process (Broadwell, 1986). Differences between Industrial Training and Classroom Training Just are there are similarities between training done on the job and that done in the classroom, there are some rather important differences. Remember, the reason of mentioning these likenesses and dissimilarities is to show that no one means is perfect, nor is one method always the best. Each has the advantages and disadvantages. Supervisors should examine each of the methods and see what suits their needs and problems. (In this research we are emphasizing Industrial training, but not because it is the only method that should ever be used.) Communication One major difference that works to the advantage of the person doing Industrial Training is that there is only one person to code ideas for. In the classroom the instructor must worry about trying to find words that can be decoded by the entire group, although it has different background. When the supervisor is instructing one man on the job, the problems of the communications are solve if the instructor can find the level that works for this one person. Natural Environment Another advantage is that the two of them are working in a real situation under nearly actual conditions, rather than trying to simulate them in the classroom. There is rarely ever a better arrangement than to have employees training at the machines where they normally work, especially if they actually train in the natural environment of the job. Such a situation cuts down considerably on the amount of information that has to be transferred from the training back to the job. This is one major problem with classroom training. It is always difficult to simulate a real situation in the classroom, so the employees find it equally difficult to make the application of the training when they get back to the job. On the other hand, when the training is done at the work site, they do not have to carry it back. So from this standpoint, on industrial training has a decided advantage over classroom training (Broadwell, 1986). Advantages and Disadvantages of Industrial Training Lets summarize all of the advantages and disadvantages of using Industrial Training to make sure we see this type of instruction in its proper perspective. Well look the advantages first. There is the matter of time. It generally is much quicker to train one person right at the job site than to bring the person into a classroom situation. There is less travel time to and from the training; it takes less preparation of facilities at the job than the classroom, the training can be more effective when done on the actual equipment, so time is saved through efficiency in training. Next there is less interference with production because only one person is involved at a time. The supervisor can take the worker from the loom, or from the assembly line, or from whatever activity, and let the rest of the work go on. The training sessions are usually short anyway, so even if the employee is needed for production all the time, the shutdown time will be short. Working under actual conditions has already been shown to be one very good advantage of training at the job location. We mention it again to emphasize that the whole point of training is to show the employee how to perform on the job. What better way to do this than to train under actual conditions, at the same place where the work is to be done, on the same equipment that is going to be used in doing the work? Having the one person who knows the standard of a good jobthe supervisor-do the training is certainly a major advantage of Industrial training. Taking employees of to a classroom has some advantages, but if the instructor in the classroom does not know exactly what is expected of the employees back on the job, practical training will not be accomplished. Even an instructor who had considerable experience on the job being trained for may still not know what exactly is expected of this employee, on this specific job, by this specific boss. Finally there is a matter of economics. Having only one employee off the job at the time at a time is less costly than taking several at the same time. If the production is not cut off, or at least is reduce only slightly, there is saving. The time saved by not having to move employees to a training room is always worth money. There is saving, too, if it is not necessary to provide and maintain a classroom facility. We discussed some of the disadvantages earlier. Lets summarize them also. The matter of the supervisor representing authority can be a disadvantage. The employee may resent being trained by the boss, especially if the boss exerts too much of this authority. (Look, youd better learn this in a hurry and get back to your job, or Im going to dock your pay.) One hindrance to any kind of instruction is a poor trainer. On the job the supervisor may be an excellent boss, he may know the job very well, and he may be well thought of by the employees, but teaching is a skill and the supervisor may not have this particular skill. If not, then it well be a drawback to good training. Some of the characteristics that make a person a good supervisor will help make a good instructor. But one has to learn to be a good supervisor, so one must learn to be an instructor. To do otherwise will be to go on being listed as a disadvantage to Industrial Training. Distractions will interfere with successful training and are more likely to be present at the job site than elsewhere. The problem may be noise, other employees, people asking questions (of either the employee being trained or the person doing training), normal movement in the surroundings, or a number of other things. Whatever they are, distraction are problems that have to be face and solved before the training will be successful. Time is also disadvantage. While training one employee at a time is efficient for that employee, it certainly isnt the most efficient way to train large groups of people. If the supervisor is expected to carry a normal load and still spend considerable time training each employee individually, there is going to be a real time problem. Ideally, the time for training should be built into the job so that it can be taken as a regular part of the job and not sandwiched in between other assignments. In any case it should be noted that good training takes time, and since good training is the only kind that will pay for itself, time (or lack of it) may be disadvantage to doing the training on the job (Broad well, 1986). What is good or bad training? It is much easier to define the results of good training than to define the action of good training. If, after training, the students can do what he couldnt do before the training, and if training did not take too long and didnt cost too much, we conclude that the training was good. On the other hand, the bad training is, when the training is over, the students still cannot do the job for which she was trained, then the training may have bad. We say may because the good training is that training which produces the desired result (Broarwell,1986). Benefits of Industrial Training Industrial training refers to the acquisition of practical skills and firsthand knowledge about the industry concerning a profession whilst still acquiring a relevant degree or diploma. Students of tertiary and vocational institutions are presented with the opportunity to work in the field of their profession with companies and organizations relevant to that profession and as a result bridge the gap between the knowledge obtained by theory and practical working knowledge required in their professions. For many, the thought of going out in the field with very basic knowledge of how it operates is a daunting prospect as they may not know what to do or even how to go about the whole process of industrial training (IT). This is not helped by the reluctance of companies when it comes to accommodating these students with vacancies or opportunities to carry out their IT. For many companies, they do not see the direct benefits they may accrue as a result of equipping students with such pract ical knowledge without the certainty that they will not take the advantage of newly obtained skills to benefit another rival company. On the other hand, for many students, it is a matter of who they know to obtain opportunities in certain companies rather than an equal opportunity policy. Also, a lot of these students participate in this IT program as casual on lookers with the sole driving force as the prerequisite to graduate rather than the opportunity to grasp as much of the skills and knowledge relevant to their profession as possible. Therefore on that note, this article goes ahead to present the benefits of IT to all parties directly and indirectly involved with the aim of changing the negative attitudes of both the students and the business community as well as gaining a better understanding and appreciation for it (Ayarkwa, J.,Emmanuel Adinyira,E., Osei-Asibey,D., 2012) Chapter lll. Methodology Type of research This type of research is face-to-face interview and written questionnaire. The proponent conducted a survey by giving out questionnaires to the graduating students of Accountancy Department, and also by conducted interview at College OSA and College Guidance. Respondents The respondents of the research are from BSA Graduating Students which compose of 24 students and the staff of College OSA Department and College Guidance. And these students and Staff of College OSA and College Guidance department answered and make my researched succeed. Questionnaire Dear respondents, This survey questionnaire serves as basis to determine the impact of industrial training to BSA students. Please answer each item honestly. Rest assured that your answer will be confidential. Have you finished Industrial Training? _____ Yes ______No If yes, where? Name of the Company _______________________ Location __________________________________ Which of the following are considered benefits in attending Industrial Training? Acquiring skills from the IT. Learn about how industry operates and how it relates to our life. Career opportunities give you a glimpse into the future possibilities of your selecting a career wisely. Learn to apply basic information and procedures in home maintenance. As you explore industrial training you found an interesting hobby You may decide to continue your studies in one or more of these areas. You develop an interest in one of the many jobs industry offers. After the training, how do you feel for your future career? Confident Doubt Competent Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data BSA 5th year Students: Finished Industrial Training Respondents Percentage Yes 20 83% No 4 17% Total 24 100% Based on the survey result, out of twenty BSA graduating students, twenty of them finished the Industrial training which eighty percent and only four students not yet finished Industrial Training. Benefits of Attending Industrial Training Choices Total respondents Percentage Acquiring skills from the I.T 10 20 50% Learn about how industry operates and how it relates to our life. 15 20 75% Career opportunities give you a glimpse into the future possibilities of your selecting a career wisely. 20 20 100% Learn to apply basic information and procedures in home maintenance. 18 20 90% As you explore industrial training you found an interesting hobby 2 20 1% You may decide to continue your studies in one or more of these areas. 16 20 80% You develop an interest in one of the many jobs industry offers. 19 20 95% All the choices above are the benefits of attending Industrial Training. We make sure and we want to know which is the most effective as benefit to the students in attending Industrial Training. To come up with this I get the frequency to know which is the most effective to the BSA graduating students. As a result, the benefits in attending Industrial Training follows: First, Career opportunities give you a glimpse into the future possibilities of your selecting a career wisely. Second, you develop an interest in one of the many jobs industry offers. Third, learn to apply basic information and procedures in home maintenance. Fourth, you may decide to continue your studies in one or more of these areas. Fifth, learn about how industry operates and how it relates to our life. Sixth, acquiring skills from the Industrial Training. Lastly, as you explore industrial training you found an interesting hobby Choices Respondents Percentage Confident 5 25% Doubt 0 0% Competent 15 75% Based on the above result, after Industrial training of students of Accountancy Department they are competent and ready for a job in the future career which seventy five percent and followed by twenty five percent who have self confident after the training. It means that Industrial Training helps students to become competent. The impact of Industrial Training is very important for the competency of students in Accountancy Department. Competency can be defined in a number of ways. It can be defined as the ability to work to apply knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to standards of perfection required in specific context (NZQA,19996). On the other hand, commercial organizations view competency as an underlying characteristic of an individual that is manifest in superior performance in the work place as evidenced by their behavior in a variety of work context (Spencer Spencer, 1993). The term competence refers to the potential capacity of an individual or a collective to successfully perform to certain formal or informal criteria, set by one self or by others, to handle certain situations or complete certain task or job. (Ellstrom,1997). Conclusion Based on the result of the study, the following are the conclusions. Industrial training is very important or necessary to the graduating Accounting Students. It is very useful or helpful to every accounting students or individuals to motivate competency. The benefits of industrial training are also needed, especially when you are applying a job. The advantage of attending industrial training is very significant to our personality. The competency of students is not only from the classroom training, but also the big part is to have industrial training. Therefore, I conclude that the impact of industrial training is very big in the part of individuals. It is very useful and helpful and most especially to our personality. Recommendations: Promote Industrial traianing to individuals and make it more and more effective training to the students in Accounting Department. The adviser must monitor the students workplace and status if he/she doing well or trained well. The students must focus the training and make sure that he/she learned effectively from the training.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Outside Lies Magic

There are certain things in life that people take for granted. As technology advances, the people would struggle to go on and fit in the crowd, making sure that everything is played accordingly. Because of these changes, people sometimes oversee things and take for granted the simple pleasures of life. The book, Outside Lies Magic, shows people the simple things found around us that are taken for granted. As I was reading the book, I became open to more possible ideas around me.Although the book may sound like a textbook for many, this is one of the few literary works that people could actually appreciate. From everything that has been included in the book, two scenes stood out the most. The first part was when the author was discussing about wires and power. I became intrigued with the importance of the â€Å"wires† to the history of man and the possible contributions that they may have in society. Even if the history of mankind was quite difficult to explain, the author was able to do it in such a manner that the readers would become curious instead of being discouraged to read.The use of words was also something to be considered. The descriptive manner used would make the readers become interested to know how much information the author wants to share with everyone. Another part of the book that caught my attention was the chapter about mails. I was unaware of the history of the mailing system until I read this chapter. The demands of sending letter across the country and in the whole world increased as time passed by, making it more difficult for the postal services to fulfill their duties.Eventually, numerous people had to sacrifice their time and effort just to allow the mails to arrive on their preferred dates. I learned to appreciate the importance of my mailbox, and how it is accessible to me and to the whole world. However, this service was taken for granted and lacks the much needed appreciation. Thinking about it makes me thankful for all of the hard work taken away from me by such service. I just hope that someday, more people would be able to see and appreciate the little things that evolve around them. The last part was also something that I remembered greatly.Although the book was descriptive, the author was able to share with the readers how the simple things in life would mean the most. The readers are also given the impression that all things should be appreciated and given much importance. Regardless of the use of such descriptive words, the author was able to stick to the realities of life that many people try to escape from. And so, people should become open to committing mistakes, but still hope for the best in life. From everything that has been mentioned, I believe that the strongest part of the book is the first part.Talking about wires is not as easy as it may seem, because it is difficult to talk about wires and make them as interesting as possible. Reading the book allowed me to see a world that I was n ot aware of before. Taking the wirings for granted was something that people could relate to. I also became intrigued how people were able to organize all of the wires, and how these were identified. This allowed me to appreciate more people and things more, as each word was used. Reading the book came as a challenge for my end.English is not my first language, and some of the words used in the book were difficult for me to understand. However, the magic of words allowed me to explore and expand my knowledge further. For this, I was able to experience the magic of books, at the same time learn about the realities of life hidden from most people. Sometimes, it is not bad to look back and appreciate the humble beginnings of people and things. These are the essential things that would make the existence more worthy of the people’s appreciation. This is one of the few books that I would recommend for others to read.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Social Media Is Pointless And Detrimental - 1641 Words

Nowadays, many debates insinuate how social media is pointless and detrimental. Base on my research, I hold a different opinion - social media is not only just snapping photos and watching funny videos, but it also increases the generation of informational content and citizen participation in political discussions. In early 2011, thousands of Syrian, especially youth from labor unions, indented to risk their lives to protest against the authoritarian government. By August 2015, more than 250,000 citizens had been killed in the conflict. Furthermore, there are more than 11 million citizens who had been forced to be loyal to President Bashar al-Assad. Otherwise, they would of been compelled to leave their homes. Referring to Saxon, D.’s case study, Syrian civil war stimulated citizen journalists’ willingness to get evolved in politics (Saxon, 2013). In four-and-a- half years of armed conflict, hot-blooded citizens who were behind the revolutions employed social media as a temporary press, contributing with their documentaries of the revolutions from the inside of the country. In the case of Syrian civil war, the progress in technology and the presence of social media provided opportunities to the citizens; empowering them to speak up about political issues in online platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube (Wall Zahed, 2014). By examining how and to what degree citizen journalism has reshaped the communication model through social media, it is found thatShow MoreRelatedGender Socialization Of Children : Gendered Toys, Media, And Parental Affects Child Development1289 Words   |  6 Pagestaking into consideration the effects that gender socialization of children through gendered toys, media, and parental affects child development. 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